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Tel: (852) 2864 2903 or 2876 2490
Fax: (852) 2876 2496
E-mail: cip@hkcss.org.hk

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    謝謝各屆多年支持,花旗集團-社聯大學生社責實踐計劃已完滿結束,本網頁僅作參考及資歷查核(Reference Check)之用。


    花旗集團-社聯大學生社責實踐計劃 2023 實習生報名

    報名截止日期為 4月28日,立即行動啦!



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    花旗集團-社聯大學生社責實踐計劃 2022宣傳片登場!

    花旗集團-社聯大學生社責實踐計劃 2022 實習生報名

    報名截止日期為 4月14日,立即行動啦!


    CIP 2021 活動回顧!

    大家一起看看CIP 2021 精彩花絮吧!

    花旗集團-社聯大學生社責實踐計劃 2021 簡介影片出爐


    花旗集團-社聯大學生社責實踐計劃 2021宣傳片登場!

    截止申請日期: 2021年4月27日 (23:59)

    花旗集團-社聯大學生社責實踐計劃 2021 現正接受報名!

    截止申請日期: 2021年4月27日 (23:59)

    CIP 10週年呈獻:CIP舊生及實習機構感言



    CIP 2020 活動回顧!

    大家一起看看CIP 2020 精彩花絮吧!

    「花旗集團社聯大學生社責實踐計劃2020 」十週年喇!

    為慶祝CIP舉辦 10週年,一班舊生特別成立「10週年籌委會」自編自導自演一齣微電影,

    「花旗集團社聯大學生社責實踐計劃2020 」Main Round 已經開始接受報名!

    一起聽聽舊生們如何形容 CIP!

    報名截止日期為 4月15日,立即行動啦!

    -社聯大學生社責實踐 2020現正接受報名!

    首輪報名截止日期為 320日,首輪申請將會被優先考慮,立即行動啦!


    「花旗集團社聯大學生社責實踐計劃2020 」實習機構現已接受申請



  • 各院校推薦

    香港中文大學 (2017)

    香港大學 (2017)

    香港城市大學 (2017)

    香港公開大學 (2017)

    香港科技大學 (2017)

    香港理工大學 (2017)

    香港浸會大學 (2017)

  • 學院的鼓勵
    (English Version Only 只提供英文版本) *in alphabetical order

    "CityU’s College of Business places great emphasis on whole-person development and makes social responsibility a core element of the curriculum. I am delighted to see the Citi Community Intern Program cultivates students’ awareness of corporate social responsibility and trains students to make decisions that serve not only themselves, but also the interests of sustaining our planet. I give my wholehearted thanks to the organizing committee, Citi Bank and partner institutions for their dedication and commitment. I believe this program will nature the next generation of business leaders for a sustainable future."

    Prof. Julie Li, Head (MKT) Professor
    College of Business, 
    City University of Hong Kong

    Dear Students,

    When we ask employers what they are looking for in a graduate they usually mention general skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, initiative, critical thinking, and so on.  For many employers these may be even more important that subject knowledge. That is why we have placed such a strong emphasis on whole person education at HKBU – to make sure you have the skills and qualities that employers are looking for. Internship opportunities are a key part of that, helping you to develop your practical skills and to link your academic knowledge with the real world.

    I am very pleased that Citi and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service have joined together to organise the Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Programme, and I would like to thank them for taking this initiative. The programme allows future leaders to connect with the community, gaining valuable experience and sensitising themselves to the broader needs of society. I strongly urge you to consider taking up this opportunity to develop your skills whilst at the same time contributing back to our society.

    With best wishes,

    Prof. Edward Snape, Dean
    School of Business ,
    Hong Kong Baptist University 

    "It's our pride to have a group of dedicated students to make a better life for the needy through their services in the Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program. We never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed, it happened.s."

    Prof. David W. K. Yeung, Head
    Department of Business Administration, 
    Hong Kong Shue Yan University

    “The Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Programme provides an excellent opportunity for our business students to learn from and to apply what they learn in the classroom to the real world. Working with community organizations and fellow students from other universities, our students have broadened their awareness and understanding of social issues in our society, and developed team working skills and the capacity for servicing the community. As part of Lingnan’s whole-person approach to education, this Intern Programme has certainly helped them to become more mature and socially responsible citizens in the changing world. The Faculty of Business welcomes the continuation of the Community Intern Programme and encourage our students’ participation in the Citi-HKCSS CIP.”

    Prof LENG Mingming , Dean
    Faculty of Business, 
    Lingnan University

    "The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School is devoted to nurturing business leaders with a socially responsible mindset and contributing to a sustainable business environment. We always encourage our students to use what they’ve learned to serve the society. Through joining the Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program, students can put theories into practice and integrate the experience into their personal and professional development. Such opportunities for self-discovery and character-building will certainly add breadth and depth to their university journeys."

    Prof. Lin Zhou, Dean
    CUHK Business School,
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    “The Faculty of Business of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University undertakes the mission of equipping our students for making effective contribution to society. The Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program offers them the opportunity to apply what they have acquired in the classroom to the real world, broaden their understanding of the community, and share social responsibility at the same time. We would like to thank Citi and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service for supporting the development of the younger generation and wish the organizers and participants a very rewarding experience.”

    Prof. Edwin Cheng, Dean 
    Faculty of Business, 
    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    "The mission of the Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program aims at inspiring university business students to contribute their knowledge and expertise to non-profit organizations through intership and ultimately cultivating their concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and broadening their understanding of the community at large. This noble mission matches one of the attributes that The Open University of Hong Kong expects from its graduates, that is, to be responsibile citizens and ready to contribute to society. I am grateful to Citibank and HKCSS for providing such an excellent platform not only for our students to contribute to society but also to nurture them to become responsible citizens of Hong Kong."

    Prof. Alan Au, Dean
    Lee Shau Kee School of Business & Administration, 
    The Open University of Hong Kong

    "As a globally-impactful academic institute of business and economics, HKU Business School is making every endeavour to create positive change to the world. Students are always encouraged to embark on a journey where they can make a difference in people’s lives. The Citi-HKCSS Community Intern Program enables our students to gain first-hand experience in the operation of NGO, put into practice their knowledge in solving different business issues, and thus contribute to the community and the non-profit sector. Together, we build a talent pool for the city and make the world a better place.”

    Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean

    Faculty of Business and Economics

    The University of Hong Kong

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